Let's not forget the healthy habits learned during the lock-in!
There are many negative consequences associated with the coronavirus lockdown - being far away from family and friends, not being able to go to restaurants and caring for our sick or vulnerable relatives, to name a few.
But we may also develop new healthy habits and changed our lives positively by staying at home and by social distancing: spending more time with our families, doing sports regularly, preparing meals with our children are just a few examples.
Now that the restrictions of "staying at home" have been gradually lifted almost everywhere, we should try and stick to them if we can.
Here are some healthy habits that can help to improve your health, fitness and general well-being.
Always take a bottle of water with you
Staying hydrated is important for your body, your skin and also for your fitness! If you carry a water bottle with you or keep it on your desk during work, you will be reminded to drink regularly. And you can stay away from a less healthy drink when quenching your thirst.
Healthy snacking
Healthy eating habits also apply to snacks. Make sure that you have a healthy snack like a handful of almonds or a fruit at hand. This will keep you from going to the vending machine.
Buy fruit and vegetables
It is much easier to make a healthy choice if you have one in the fridge. When you are in the supermarket, you should always check-out the fruit and vegetable department to buy some nutritious ingredients that you can use when preparing your next meal.
Try out new recipes
Explore new recipes every week. It may be fast and easy to prepare the same meals every week, but don’t you get bored eating the same meal over and over? In fact, not only is it important to choose healthy food, but also to enjoy the food. Missing ideas? Why don't you regularly try one of the nutritious recipes suggested by Generali Vitality.
Daily training
Last but not least, daily exercise will help you feel stronger and more energetic, especially if you workout in the morning to get the day going. It will also help you sleep better at night.
If you eat well, eat tasty meals and snacks and exercise once a day, you will improve your health and help you feel better!